What information is required for a PCN?
The complete composition (including non-hazardous ingredients), ingredient data, physical state of the product, color, pH (if it cannot be determined, it must be justified), its packaging types, sizes and product uses, product category, toxicological information, product label elements, UFI.
The time it takes to prepare a PCN dossier for a dangerous mixture depends on the number of components. So start your PCN notifications in time, before 01/01/2025.
Group submission
For product groups, if the products in the group are in the same product category, have the same hazard classification, contain the same ingredients with the same compositional ranges - they can only differ in fragrance(s) (max. 5%).
Limited submission
PCN notification of hazardous mixtures for industrial use only (according to point 3.1.1, part B and point 5.3 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 2017/542).
Limited data should be provided based on the MSDS, provided that the composition data is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It is mandatory to provide a name, telephone number and e-mail address where the designated bodies can quickly access detailed additional product information in case of an emergency